With the opening of the new Naval Academy Bridge the ten-miler gets additional hills to add to add to its collection. Notice how flat the portion of the old bridge that remains as a fishing pier on the right is. Photo by Mike Chamberlain.
day min=72.9° day max=80.8° day avg=76.8° (Aug avg=74.1°)
Race Director
Sue Briers
Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium start-finish on Taylor Ave side; loop around Stadium on: Taylor, Cedar Park, Farragut; Rowe Blvd; King George St; Ferry Farms; Old Annapolis Blvd turn around past Severn Ridge Rd
$20 fee by Aug 1 deadline; 4000 cutoff
3500 starters; 3556 finishers
First Female
Bonnie Barnard-Lopez 60:02
First Male
Gary Clapper 52:22
purple-blue-black nylon running jacket with blue logo on back
Naval Academy Bridge eastbound side opens Aug 19; Naval Academy loop removed due to construction; course turnaround moved toward Rt 50
1-mile fun run after start of A-10
Runner’s World: one of America’s top 100 races
Capital editorial “10-mile run has outgrown city’s streets” draws responses