2025 Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet
Please join us on
Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 at
Libations Tavern
(8541 Veterans Highway, Millersville, MD 21108)
for our 2025 Annapolis Striders Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet!
The gathering begins at 2 PM with our annual meeting, free & open to all current Annapolis Striders members, and once that’s concluded, we’ll have a buffet meal & beverages (plus a cash bar for alcoholic beverages) followed by our big club awards presentation. We expect things to be wrapped up by 5 PM.
Cost for the banquet portion of the shindig is a mere $20 (plus a small processing fee) per person. Visit TICKETS to make your reservation no later than Friday 3/21!
Note: If you placed in the 2024 Championship Series and won’t be able to attend the banquet to pick up your award(s), you’re welcome to arrange for someone to pick up your award(s) for you! We will also have unclaimed Champ Series awards available for pick-up at the B&A Trail Marathon & Half on 3/30 as well as the Cherry Pit 10 Miler on 4/27.
Cherry Pit 10-Mile Race
Sunday, April 27, 2025
South River High School
Registration is now open for the 2025 edition of the Cherry Pit 10-Mile race, which is the second leg of the Champ Series. We will hold this year’s race on Sunday, April 27, 2025, and, as in years past, the start and finish line will be at South River High School.
For more information and registration
We need VOLUNTEERS to assist in packet pick up and race day registration, to staff the three water stops on the racecourse, and to help with course set up and post-race clean up. If you are interested in volunteering for this event, email toml@annapolisstriders.org.
The Annapolis Striders are eager to build our 5K coaching group and are in search of people who would be willing to coach 1-3 days a week during our training series this April-June.
To be a coach, you must hold a current Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) certification or be willing to get certified through one of their online or in-person 2-day workshops. If you successfully complete the training and coach for us, the Annapolis Striders will reimburse you for the training. For more information, please contact Laura Amin at laura.amin66@gmail.com.
Annapolis Striders membership is required to participate in these training programs. There is no fee for the training programs but you must register.
Keep an eye on this section for announcements about training programs!
Annapolis Striders Training/Education
Update from Bob Moseley,
VP of Training and Education
B&A Trail Half Marathon Training: Our training group is in the final stages of training for the half marathon/marathon. There are still 2 weeks to go for those who need a long run training partner. We’ll meet for the next 2 Saturdays at 0730 at Jones Station.
Coaching Call: While the 1/2 marathon training is gearing down, we are always looking for coach/mentors for our other training programs, such as the 5K, 10K and marathon groups. If you like to step into coaching and are interested, give me a shout. If you are experienced/RRCA-certified (or certified via another program, such as UESCA) or are interested in becoming certified, we can help pay for that training as well.
Here’s a public service announcement regarding pace. As we learn by experience, running at an inappropriate pace can have negative effects on race performance, especially for marathoners. This article provides some insights into a better way to manage your pace:
Fluctuating Your Pace During a Race is Making You Slower
Slow and steady wins the race. Well, maybe just steady…When it comes to marathon racing, even or negative splits are the name of the game—often producing world-record performances. But it turns out that running each mile as consistently as possible may also be the smartest choice physiologically. A new study compared constant vs. fluctuating pacing during a 10K run—and the results confirm that pacing consistency matters.
Researchers had 10 male endurance runners complete two 10K treadmill trials: one at a constant speed (80% of their VO₂max for the full 10K) and another at a fluctuating speed, which varied between 75% and 85% of VO₂max, simulating the surges and slowdowns that often occur in races.
Throughout the trials, researchers measured blood lactate, oxygen uptake, breathing rate, and the time it took the participants to run 10K.
Finishing time was identical in both trials—38.6 min on average. However, fluctuating pacing significantly increased blood lactate levels, which were 4.5 mmol/L in the fluctuating speed run and 2.9 mmol/L in the constant speed run. This suggests a greater reliance on anaerobic metabolism, meaning runners in the fluctuating pace trial were working harder and accumulating more fatigue. Oxygen utilization and breathing rate were also higher in the fluctuating pace trial—this racing method was less efficient.
What this means for your next race
This study reinforces a core racing strategy: Pacing control is key. If you want to run efficiently and finish strong, avoid unnecessary fluctuations in speed—especially in races longer than a 5K—as it wastes energy and makes you work harder than you would running at an even pace. Next time you race, stick to a plan and resist the urge to surge too early. Your legs (and lactate levels) will thank you.
Annapolis Striders 2025
Half Marathon Training
Saturday, January 4th-Saturday, March 22nd
A 12-week build-up program for half marathon runners.
This low-key program will guide the participants from a base of 6 miles up to a long run of 14 miles in 12 weeks. The goal will be for all who complete the program to be able to complete the B&A Trail Half Marathon or an alternative half marathon around the same timeframe.
For more information and registration
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Michael E. Busch Library
1410 West Street
Annapolis, 21401
Please remember that ALL Annapolis Striders members are welcome at our monthly Board Meetings, the first Tuesday of each month.
The meetings are a hybrid format.
Use the Zoom Link if you cannot attend in person.
Meeting ID: 945 9400 7107
Passcode: 075740
Stay tuned to the E-Streak for future meeting locations.
Meet & Greet Your Fellow Annapolis Striders
at our Monthly Socials
Bring friends or potential new members!
Check here for future gatherings!
See “For your information” above to submit a race.
Please check the provided links below for updated information about the community races, including fee structure, race details, cancellations, etc.
Once posted, community race information is
not automatically updated in the
There is a compelling new book by George R. Banker, Marine Corps Marathon Honor and Pride. This historical work covers 471.6 miles (18 years x 26.2 miles), and you will appreciate what it takes to succeed. The time period is 2007 through 2024. This book continues where the first book Marine Corps Marathon A Running Tradition ended (1976-2006).
For additional information about the book
Local Group Runs
Are you looking for a group of friendly faces to meet consistently and with which to run? Here is a consolidated list of local area group runs open to anyone interested. While most of these groups have members of the Annapolis Striders in them, this is not an endorsement by the Annapolis Striders, Inc. It’s a way to find other people to run with almost every day of the week.
If you know of a group not listed here, Please contact Tess.
Check here for the list of runs
Barlowe Bolt 5K Run/1 Mile Fun Walk
Saturday, March 22, 2025
The 13th Annual Barlowe Bolt takes place in the suburban town of Millersville MD. Your path will have a good mix of flat and hilly roads lined with mature trees in this charming town. This is a perfect first race of the season whether you are a beginner or experienced runner. This is a chip timed race for the 5k participants. Medals will be awarded for the best male and female times in each of the age groups. We look forward to another fun Barlowe Bolt, we’ll see you there!
For more information and registration
GiGiFIT 5K Acceptance Challenge Fundraiser
Sunday, April 27, 2025
GiGi’s Playhouse is excited to host our annual GiGiFIT 5K Acceptance Challenge Fundraiser, and we would love for your club to join us for this special event. It’s a great opportunity to support a meaningful cause while enjoying a fun and energetic race day!
Sunday, April 27, 2025
Quiet Waters Park
For more information and registration
Baltimore 10 Miler
Saturday, June 7, 2025
An Annapolis Striders group has been formed for anyone running the Baltimore Ten Miler. Select the group during your registration using the password “Striders”. With ten or more in the group, you get a $10 refund on the registration price.
For more information and registration
The Crofton Kiwanis Club and Foundation 10K and 5K
Saturday, June 14th, 2025
The Crofton Kiwanis Club and Foundation are holding their annual community 10K and 5K races for Saturday, June 14th. The race starts at 8:00 a.m. at the Crofton Country Club. The certified 10K course includes a great tour around our tree-lined community with some challenging hills and is a good tune-up for fall marathon training or even first time 10K participants. The 5K course goes completely around Crofton Parkway. All profits from these races are put towards the many community charities that the Crofton Kiwanis Foundation supports.
For more information and registration